Hibiscus Beef Jerky Recipe


This peppery hibiscus jerky is perfect to bring along for a quick snack when you’re out foraging or hiking.


To make this recipe, you will need the following ingredients:


1 cup soy sauce

4 tbsp honey

2 tbsp garlic powder

3 tbsp freshly ground black pepper

7 tbsp hibiscus flower petals (powdered)

1 tbsp curing salt

2 lbs inside round beef, thinly sliced and fat removed

Food dehydrator


In a bowl, combine soy sauce, honey, garlic powder, black pepper, hibiscus, and curing salt. Piece by piece, coat your beef evenly in the seasoning mixture. Once seasoned, seal your meat in an airtight container and marinate in the refrigerator for at least 12 hours. After marinating, remove beef from fridge and spread in a single layer across the trays of your dehydrator. Dehydrate at 165F for approximately 5 hours. The thickness of the beef will determine the exact drying time, so be sure to check it often as it may take slightly more or less time than you expect.

Rachael Miller