How To Store Bulk Dried Herbs

What’s The Best Way To Store Bulk Herbs?

If you’ve ordered a bunch of bulk herbs to make all your favorite herbal medicine creations, and are now wondering how to store your herbs, this article is for you. Without proper storage of your bulk dried herbs, they can expire or lose their potency before you even have a chance to use them!

There are several factors to consider when storing bulk dried herbs. With the proper safeguards, you can confidently ensure that your herbs and teas maintain their potency until you have had a chance to enjoy them. This article will explore the best ways to store your bulk dried herbs, along with some crucial tips and tricks.

How to Store Bulk Dried Herbs

At Zhi Herbals, our favorite storage method is to place individual bulk herbs in sealed glass jars and keep them in a closed, dark cupboard. You might even take it to the next level and use dark amber glass jars to protect your herbs from the light.

Tins are another commonly used container for storing bulk herbs. If you choose to store your herbs in tins, it’s important to ensure that the tins you’re using are food grade. Tin can protect your herbs from the light and keep them fresh for longer, but often, containers made of tin are not as airtight and may not help your herbs last as long as they would in a sealed glass jar.

If possible, try to avoid using plastic containers for long-term storage because the chemicals from the plastic can slowly leech into your herbs. The best kinds of jars are those that are chemical-free, dark, glass, and airtight!

Tips and Tricks for Storing Dried Bulk Herbs

There are so many different ways to store bulk dried herbs, each with its own pros and cons. But if you are planning a different storage method besides the ones previously described, here are some things to consider:

  1. Light

    Dried herbs and light do not agree with each other. When dried herbs are exposed to excess light, they lose their potency much faster. Store your bulk herbs in a dark jar, or ideally, a cupboard or a closet that you might not open as frequently.

  2. Oxygen

    By reducing exposure to oxygen in airtight containers, you preserve the potency of your herbs. Plastic containers with loose seals and paper bags allow more airflow and should therefore be avoided for long-term herb storage.

  3. Water

    Do not allow your herbs to become wet or damp, as this will quickly encourage mold growth. This can be easily avoided by keeping your bulk herbs in a sealed glass jar. If you wildcraft your own fresh herbs, it is essential to ensure the herbs are thoroughly dried before storing them. Also, try to avoid storing your herbs in places with high humidity, such as a steamy bathroom.

  4. Temperature

    In general, temperature is not a major concern when storing herbs at home; most dried herbs are happy to be stored long-term at room temperature or slightly cooler. Make sure to keep your dried herbs away from any area that might be flammable or that emits excess heat, as this can damage your herbs.

  5. Contamination

    Whichever type of herb storage method you choose, don’t forget to clean out your container properly and dry it before use. There’s nothing more unfortunate than contaminating your herbs with a dirty container.

  6. Labels

    Ensure that your herbs are correctly and clearly labeled! Many bulk dried herbs can look alike, and the difficulties caused by getting items in your home apothecary mixed up are obvious. It’s helpful to include information such as the common name of the herb, the Latin name, dosage information, and the date that you purchased it.

  7. Whole Herbs

    The best way to preserve the potency of your herbs is in their whole, dried form. If you prefer your herbs powdered or cut into small pieces, it is best to wait until you are ready to use them before crushing them because once they are ground or processed, they lose their potency much faster.

  8. Get Creative!

    With these practical considerations in mind, don’t be afraid to get creative! Custom cubby holes for your jars of herbs can be an aesthetically pleasing option, as can a designated shelf or medicine chest. Most dried bulk herbs that have been stored correctly will stay fresh for 18 months or more. Just check your herbs thoroughly before use, and if you still smell the herb’s natural aroma and don’t see any mold, you can expect to receive the herbal benefits.

Get Bulk Herbs in Canada from Zhi Herbals

Storing bulk dried herbs sounds simple, but it’s vital to keep these factors in mind to protect the incredible natural medicine that you have at your fingertips. So, if you are just getting started on your herb collection or are looking to replace some old herbs, make sure to try out the high-quality organic and wildcrafted bulk herbs that we offer at Zhi Herbals!

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