Reishi Hot Chocolate Recipe

Indulge in Health and Serenity: How to Make Reishi Mushroom Hot Chocolate

For years, herbalists and mycologists have been drawn towards the healing and restorative powers of traditional medicinal mushrooms. Reishi, also known as the "Mushroom of Immortality," has gained significant popularity for its numerous health benefits. What better way to enjoy the comforting experience of hot chocolate while experiencing the rejuvenating effects of reishi? Let us guide you through the process of making a delightful cup of reishi hot chocolate.


  • 1 cup of your preferred milk (dairy, almond, coconut, oat, etc.)

  • 1/2-1 teaspoon of reishi mushroom powder

  • 2 tablespoons of unsweetened cocoa powder

  • 1-2 tablespoons of honey or maple syrup

  • Pinch of Himalayan pink salt (optional)

  • Dash of vanilla extract (optional)

  • Whipped cream, cocoa nibs, or cinnamon (for garnish)


  1. Heat the Milk: Pour the milk into a small saucepan and warm it over medium heat. Avoid boiling the milk, as it may cause it to scorch or form a skin.

  2. Add the Reishi Mushroom: Add the reishi mushroom powder directly to the saucepan with the hot milk. Whisk well until evenly mixed.

  3. Incorporate Cocoa and Sweetener: Add the cocoa powder and sweetener of your choice, Himalayan pink salt (for heightened taste), and vanilla extract (for aroma) to the saucepan. Whisk the mixture vigorously to ensure that all ingredients are well combined.

  4. Warm and Blend: Continue warming the mixture for approximately 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. This step allows the flavors to meld together. Be careful not to overheat or boil the mixture, as this can cause an unpleasant texture.

  5. Serve and Garnish: After the hot chocolate reaches your desired consistency, pour it into your favorite mug. To elevate the presentation, add a dollop of whipped cream, sprinkle with cocoa nibs, or dust with cinnamon. These garnishes not only enhance the visual appeal but also contribute to the overall taste experience.

Relax and Rejuvenate With Reishi

Sit back, relax, and relish in the warm embrace of your homemade reishi hot chocolate. By combining the delightful flavors of cocoa with the renowned healing properties of reishi mushrooms, you're nourishing both your body and your soul. This soothing elixir offers a comforting and satisfying beverage choice, perfect for enjoying during cold weather or as a nighttime ritual. Embrace the magic of reishi and transport yourself to a state of tranquility and wellness, one sip at a time.

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ReishiRachael Miller